3 ways to determine your fitness level

3 ways to determine your fitness level

As dancers, it is generally perceived that we have a high fitness level.
However, dancing encompasses various aspects from technical, physical and aesthetic requirements. It has been found that dancers are not necessarily as fit and healthy as what they could be.

Although this is not a clear and set test, it is a starting point to measure your fitness level.

3 Ways To Determine Your Fitness Level

  1. Strength
    Basic Pushup

    Gauging your muscle strength through push-ups.
    Place your hands directly under your shoulders and extend your legs behind you, knees on the floor. Bend your elbows to lower your chest to within an inch of the floor, keeping your back flat, then press back to start. Do as many as you can with proper form in two minutes.
    Beginner: 10-14
    Intermediate: 11-20
    Advanced: 15-21+

  2. Flexibility

    Position a measuring tape on the floor with a 30cm piece of tape across it at the 38cm mark. Sit barefoot on the floor with your back straight and feet about a foot apart, heels on the edges of the tape. Reach forward (without bouncing) as far down the tape as you can. Try two or three times and count your longest reach.
    Beginner: <41-46cm
    Intermediate: 43-51cm
    Advanced: 48-53cm+

  3. Cardio

    This test estimates your VO2 max, a measure of aerobic capacity, or how easy it would be for you to maintain a sustained effort. Walk as fast as you can (without jogging) for 1.5km. Record your time and heart rate. Right after the test, find your pulse and count the number of beats in 15 seconds. Multiply that by four.

    Use this formula to get your score:
    132.853(0.1692 x weight in kilograms)(0.3877 x age in years)(3.2649 x time in minutes)(0.1565 x heart rate in beats per minute)

    Beginner: <39.4 to <35.8
    Intermediate: 35.9 to 43.8
    Advanced: 39.6+ to 43.9+

Regardless of performance level, talent, the form of dance, gender, or age, all dancers have to use some or all of the elements of fitness during their daily practice.

The components of fitness are:

• Aerobic fitness

Associated with moderate, longer-term levels of activity.

• Anaerobic fitness

Associated with high intensity, maximal, short bursts of activity.

• Muscle endurance

The ability of a muscle to produce continuous movement.

• Strength

The ability of a muscle to produce a maximal force on one occasion.

• Power

The explosive (speed-related) aspect of strength.

• Flexibility

The range of motion at a joint in association with the pliability of a muscle.

• Neuromuscular coordination

Associated with balance, agility, coordination, and skill.

• Body composition

The make-up of body weight by the percentage of muscle and fat.

• Rest

A period of no activity, to allow for recovery and regeneration.




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