Discovery Vitality Day

Discovery Vitality Day – 17 March 2018

Earn up to 33 500 points to help get your vitality status to GOLD!!

We have organised a Vitality Day at Five6seven8 Dance Studio where Vitality members can do all their tests in less than 90 minutes. The aim is that members upgrade their status during a short period of time. A time sheet is set up where the members see the biokineticist, dietitian and do blood tests.

1. Vitality fitness assessment:

The Vitality Fitness Assessment is made up of two parts – the first part measures your cardio-vascular fitness and the second measures your strength and flexibility. It has been designed to give you an accurate and personalised understanding of your fitness. After the Vitality Fitness Assessment, your biokineticist will show you what you need to focus on in order to get fitter and stronger.

You can earn 2500 Vitality points and up to an additional 5000 Vitality points depending on your fitness level.

The cost is R400 which Discovery Health members can claim back if you have a Medical Savings Account with available funds. If you’re a Discovery Life member you can’t claim back.

The assessment includes:
* Your measurements such as weight, height (to calculate BMI*), waist circumference
* A treadmill / watt bike test followed by functional tests and flexibility tests

2. Vitality nutrition consultation:

All vitality members that see a registered dietician and submit a claim can earn 1000 points for their first dietician visit of the year. Members who participate in the vitality Weights Loss Rewards are encouraged to see a dietician to help them lose weight safely. By doing so, members enrolled on the Weight Losss Rewards will have the ability to earn up to 11500 Vitality pointsif they successfully achieve their weight loss goals.

Nutrition consultation costs R360 for each person. If you have a Discovery Health Plan with a Medical Savings Account and available funds, you can claim this amount back from the Scheme (if there is no waiting period). If you are a Discovery Life policyholder, you will not be able to claim.

3. The Vitality Health Check:

Weight assessment,Blood pressure, Glucose, Cholesterol & Smoking Status

Members of most medical schemes administered by Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd, are covered for one Vitality Health Check a year from your Screening and Prevention Benefit – it won’t impact your day-to-day benefits (If you are in a general waiting period, Discovery Health does not cover this). If you are a Discovery Life policyholder, you will need to pay for the Vitality Health Check yourself – R190.

If you have a second Vitality Health Check in a year, it will not be paid for from the Screening Benefit, but as a day-to-day expense. So, you will need to pay for it from your Medical savings Account or from your pocket, according to your Plan type and available benefits.

An HIV test can also be done on request which earns you 5000 points and costs R170 which is paid by Discovery medical aid from your discovery screening and prevention benefit if you are on Discovery. If you are a Discovery Life policyholder, you will need to pay for the HIV test yourself.

There is a R50 admin fee per person for all bookings.


  • Total costs for doing all test if you are on discovery medical aid: R760 (can be claimed back from savings) + R50 = R810
  • Total costs for doing all tests if you are only on vitality (Not discovery medical aid): R1120 + R50 = R1170

Please contact Ilani Richards, 082 556 7522, ilani.bekker@gmail.com for more info or to book an appointment. Please note that you don’t have to do all the tests, you can book selectively if desired.

You are also welcome to contact the studio for more information.

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