Are you interested to start dancing but not sure what route to take? The choice is entirely up to you!
One of our instructors previously mentioned some valid points about group & private classes:
Group classes or private lessons?
Group classes are a great way to start out if you feel nervous about standing out. You are in a group of people starting out like you and most likely feeling just as nervous as you. It makes for a great support system and is an easy way to meet new people. Group classes are also usually the more cost-friendly option. Don’t have a partner for Latin & Ballroom? Find out from the studio beforehand, but usually, there are extra students or instructors to dance with. The one downside to the group structure is that you don’t get as much one-on-one attention from the instructor.
Private lessons are great to kick-start your dancing. You get one-on-one attention from the instructor and often will learn faster than in a group environment. Private lessons usually cost more, but you get more value for your money.
Often students will start with group lessons and then progress to private lessons when they feel more comfortable or some students will have a private lesson and still go to the group class to further their dancing. The choice is yours, find your perfect situation.
One big determining factor is of course when the classes are offered. Group classes are set during certain times of the week and rarely changed. You can view our group class schedule here. If a group class is offered at a time not suitable for your schedule, you can consider private classes.
The thing to remember about our group classes, they run continuously throughout the year, if you start attending the classes give it some time to settle into the class. Some content might have been covered before your arrival and it will take some time to catch on. As this isn’t a private class instructors need to accommodate the whole group to ensure current members get to progress while you also start your dance journey.
With our Private classes, you are able to take any of the styles that we offer at the studio as private lessons, however, this relies on our instructor & dance floor availability. The best is to send us an email to check our calendar availability.
Remember our Private classes are one-on-one lessons with an instructor, this does not particularly mean you are the only person on the dance floor. A prime example is with our Private Latin & Ballroom classes when we have up to 8 private lessons on the dance floor at the same time.